
Hello and welcome to my blog.
Do hope you'll stop by from time to time
and follow my adventures in all things creative!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Giveaway at Oh Sew Dollin!!

Hi everyone just letting you know that De over at Oh Sew Dollin has a great giveaway on at the moment. So just click on the button I've added on my blog to take you straight over to hers and enter the contest to win one of her beautiful dolls.

Sorry I haven't blogged for a while but have been a bit under the weather with a touch of the flu. So consequently haven't had much energy over the past week for doing anything other than the absolute essentials. Also it's still been sooo hot here during the day. I wish Autumn would soon arrive and the days be a bit cooler.

Really must get back into some painting. Have managed to work on a couple of cute little stitched cloth bears which are almost complete.

Will have some pictures to show in the next couple of days.

Hopefully next week will be more productive!


  1. Glad you are getting over your flu! The cloth bears looked like they were coming along nicely last week, I will look forward to seeing your progress soon! xx

  2. Hi Robyn I like your blog and thank you for your kind words on mine. There just never seems enough time in the day to do all I want. I love your painting and I think I may own a bag painted by you that I got off ebay a while ago now. Thanks too for adding me to your blog list I'd love to add you to mine. Happy blogging. Raewyn.

  3. Thanks so much Raewyn, will look forward to keeping up with all you do. So pleased one of my bags went to such a lovely home! Yes do wish we had a few more hours in each day! hugs Robyn.

  4. Hi Robyn! I just got your post on my blog and I wanted to say thanks for your kind words!

    Your blog is awesome! I look forward to your posts. I'm amazed at all the wonderful artists on the internet. It's so inspiring!

  5. Hi Robyn. Thank you for joining my blog. I am now following you. Sorry you have been under the weather, hope you are feeling better now.
    Love your cloth bears they are really cut.


Thankyou for taking the time to leave a comment. I do enjoy reading them. I'm sorry if I don't get to answer them all
Robyn xx