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Do hope you'll stop by from time to time
and follow my adventures in all things creative!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Wishing you all a wonderful Easter

 Just love this old photo from
Can't believe how fast Easter is approaching. It wasn't too long ago we were celebrating Christmas.
I've had to put my creative projects aside to prepare not only for Easter, but it's also my Mother's birthday. Have spent most of today baking her favourite cake and wrapping her gifts. Mums deserve to be spoilt.
Will also look forward to catching up with family at Easter.

May your Easter be blessed with much peace and happiness.


  1. Oh my stars ~ how cute is that picture? Happy Easter to you as well. Not long before the Easter Bunny drops off some chocolate eggs ~ YUMMY!

  2. Love the new template and pictures! The blog looks great. Happy Easter to you too Mum and make sure you eat lots of food for me! xx

  3. What a neat photo! My bears would love a hayride like that. I better not let them see it or they will start to get ideas! ;D



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Robyn xx