
Hello and welcome to my blog.
Do hope you'll stop by from time to time
and follow my adventures in all things creative!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Happy Times!!

Can you believe another week has 
gone by and we're up to the week-end
once again
Our weather forecaster is predicting
warm to hot weather for the week-end
So DH & I are hoping for a warm evening 
so we can enjoy dinner out
at our favourite restaurant
with this beautiful view
celebrating our 34th
wedding anniversary 

Wishing you many happy times
this week-end!


  1. Hi Robyn,

    Happy Anniversary and what a beautiful view out the window from your favourite restaurant.
    Hope that you had a pleasant evening out.
    Best wishes for happy times ahead

    Happy Easter

  2. Hi Robyn
    Lovely view and Happy Belated Wedding Anniversary! I hope you had a wonderful time!

  3. Happy belated wedding anniversary special lady. I have been so very lazy when it comes to blog land, I am in the throws of renovating the house, job hunting (not that I want to), and changing the name of my website...or just letting it go altogether and maybe just having a facebook page.....who knows?? hope your new year has been special so far and less confusing than mine :-) xox

  4. Happy belated anniversary lovely lady !! so sorry it late, but I have been preoccupied with home, job hunting, and sorting/changing/cancelling my website, and maybe just a going facebook page, anyway just stuff :-)
    Hope your world is calm and happy xo

  5. lol you will probably get two messages from me :-) thought the first one failed :p ha ha

  6. Hi Robyn
    thank you for the sweet comments on my blog! I hope you are doing well? Enjoy your weekend - we are working in the yard!


Thankyou for taking the time to leave a comment. I do enjoy reading them. I'm sorry if I don't get to answer them all
Robyn xx