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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

A Big Job For Little Bears

A quote by Ted Menton from  "The Teddy Bear Lover's Companion"
"Giving bears to hospital patients has long been a tradition among teddy bear lovers. Many groups do this good work, but I guess the most famous is Good Bears of the World, which has bear dens worldwide. Today, inspired by the good deeds of others, I bring bears to hospitals to work with terminally ill children. The children come from across the country for treatment; their parents and friends are often thousands of miles away. The bears and I do our best to make the kids a little happier. I tell stories, but the bears do the real work - they watch over the children at difficult times. In these kids' lives lurks a very real boogeyman, and the children all know that his name is Death. It's a big job for little bears, but they manage because they are filled with love - the love they're endowed with by children."

This is a lovely story, it's good that bears are needed in so many different ways, and can be such a comfort to these suffering children.


  1. Lovely...bears are great for cuddling. My daughter Tara was given a knitted bear when she was in hospital after having her appendix removed. She was 9 at the time and she's 18 next birthday and still has it :)

  2. We have a group locally that deliver bears to the children in the hospital. What a wonderful selfless thing to do.

  3. I think every child deserves a bear to love ~ lovely post!
    xo Catherine

  4. Hi Robyn,

    Such a beautiful picture and story ~ thank you.
    Bears are so helpful in the benefical of healing and bringing comfort to children in hospital.
    I have enjoyed donating some of my bears to the Breast cancer Foundation and our Hospice. Always great to be able to help out in a little way.
    Happy weekend


Thankyou for taking the time to leave a comment. I do enjoy reading them. I'm sorry if I don't get to answer them all
Robyn xx