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Saturday, July 10, 2010

Shabby to Chic Painting Tutorial Step 6 - This is optional!

Hi again, well I just couldn't leave these lovely items without picking up my brush and decorating further with a touch of colour.
Firstly with the candles I've just painted the roses by adding Clear Glazing Medium to the paint and brushed the roses first with a pale pink and then the leaves with a soft green. Think that will do now,  they look much better and will just let them cure properly before varnishing . Just click on any of the photos to get a larger view.

With the mirror frame I've painted some small pink roses sprays with soft green trailing leaves and buds. I've also highlighted some of the existing sculptured flowers that were on the frame. That is the blue flowers and some of the green leaves. Those of you familiar with painting roses would be able to do this without difficulty. But even if you can't paint roses you could just highlight the existing sculptured flowers that come on the piece and it would still look good. I'm not finished this one yet though. More work needed on some of the leaves and a few more highlights on the roses.Then the varnishing. I'll have pics of both these items when they're completed and let you know when they'll be going on my ebay for sale. If you're interested in purchasing either one, please let me know.


  1. Absolutely beautiful! I can picture your mirror frame in a pretty white bedroom with fluffy white pillows and vintage white washstand beside the bed. Lovely!

    Have a wonderful Saturday Robyn!
    xo Catherine

  2. They are beautiful! Love them purse is crying in protest...shut up purse I'm the boss!


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Robyn xx