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Do hope you'll stop by from time to time
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Friday, June 4, 2010

Check out my current items for sale on my Ebay!

Hi just wanted to let you know I've just listed a batch of items for sale on my Ebay. Just click on the Ebay link on my home page to take you straight there and have a look.

I've added another of my Busy Bee boxes, this time it's a bear maker one. I thought it would be very useful for a bear maker or sewer.
This one features another vintage image from  Julie has some beautiful images to share, so please do take a look at her blog. I think this box is really my favourite of the three boxes I've made so far. Let me know what you think.

I've also finally completed my 2 sweet prim shabby pink bears. 
One is "I Love You" bear, she carries a wooden heart, which I've painted with these words on it.

The other is "The Key to my Heart" bear.

 I've really enjoyed making the bears and am pleased with the way they turned out. I used a pattern from Sheila over at Take a look at her blog, she's very talented and has some lovely designs for sale.

These items have now been sold thankyou!


  1. Robyn, You sweetheart!! Thank you so much for sharing this with me!! I love how you used the image!!! Gorgeous! I will be posting it to my blog as well later this afternoon. Must run for now...I have an appt this morning! Again, I am just thrilled you are using the free images I offer in such a beautiful way! Blessings, Julie

  2. Your new bears are adorable!! Very very cute!

    Have a Happy weekend Robyn!
    xo Catherine

  3. Hey Robyn,

    I LOVE the bears!!!!!! You did a great job on them and I just LOVE the fabric too. Thanks for putting the link back to me too! I will have 2 new bears, a cat and a mouse coming out today. Hope you have a great weekend.


Thankyou for taking the time to leave a comment. I do enjoy reading them. I'm sorry if I don't get to answer them all
Robyn xx